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Bleaching Whitening Dental Service

At Gresham Dental Practice, we believe that a smile is the first thing you notice when you meet someone and it can make all the difference in leaving behind a positive, professional impression.

Have you ever thought about whitening your teeth to help improve their appearance? Tooth whitening can be a very effective way of lightening the teeth. Professional tooth whitening does not cause the removal of the tooth surface as it is completely non invasive. Whitening is suitable for the majority of people, but not everyone. This is why it is essential you seek professional guidance before starting. You may also require some preliminary treatment before you are ready to start the whitening process.

Home Whitening

At Gresham Dental Practice, we only recommend Home Whitening. We will ensure that the procedure is carry out properly by giving you very clear simple instructions. Home whitening is carried out in the comfort of your own home. If have very sensitive teeth then this might be the best option for you as well.

We will provide you everything you need to carry out your own whitening, including full instructions, the home whitening gels and your own made-to-measure whitening tray.

Once the Home Whitening is completed, we will then review your final colour, post-treatment, to show you the change in shade achieved.

As a family we have been with Dr Pang at Gresham Dental Practice for a few years and the level of care and commitment to us as patients is outstanding. Many times his dedication to furthering his knowledge and keeping up with latest advancements in care has benefited us. I would not hesitate to recommend this practice.
Julie Williams