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Cosmetic Dentistry Service

At Gresham Dental Practice, we pride ourselves on our cosmetic dental treatments and fully understand the personal benefits a beautiful bright smile gives our patients.

Cosmetic dentistry is one of the fastest growing areas in health and beauty treatments today. Someone’s smile is the first thing most people notice when they first meet someone. For this reason, patients can feel conscious about their teeth. After improving their smile, patients often feedback that they look and feel years younger with renewed confidence. At Gresham Dental Practice, we can provide different types of cosmetic dentistry to suit each patient’s individual needs. We always try to be as least invasive as possible in trying to fulfil the cosmetic needs . We try to carry out procedures that we would accept ourselves. There will be times when a minimal approach is not possible. The different types are as below.


This is the least invasive cosmetic treatment. It does not remove any tooth structure. It involves wearing bleaching trays which hold the bleaching gel in close proximity to the teeth. This changes the colour of the teeth from within. This procedure does not change the colour of any crowns, bridges or dentures.


This involves reshaping the natural teeth. It may involve recontouring tips or edges of teeth that have chipped or worn away abnormally. It does involve removing some tooth structure.


Veneers are thin layers of either porcelain or composite white fillings. Veneers are precisely made to fit over the visible surface of the front teeth, just like a false fingernail fits over a nail. Veneers are used to treat discoloured teeth which could not be treated by whitening.

They are also used in closing gaps between front teeth or repairing chips or cracks. Porcelain veneers are made in the laboratory and give excellent cosmetic results. Composite veneers can be made directly in the mouth or indirectly (like a porcelain veneer) in the laboratory.

Composite White Fillings

For more than 150 years, standard fillings have been made out of a silver-grey material called amalgam. This is considered one of the strongest and longest lasting materials for fillings. However many people find it unattractive and some are concerned about possible health risks. Changing an old dark filling to a white one will make it less noticeable as the filling can be matched to the colour of the natural tooth. White fillings can also be bonded to teeth to close gaps, to rebuild chipped edges or tips and also change colours of teeth (as a composite veneer).


When a tooth is badly broken or heavily filled, a crown or a “cap” is the best way to restore the appearance and strength of the compromised tooth. The crowns are made of porcelain in the laboratory. The colour of the porcelain is matched with a shade guide to try match the colour of the natural tooth.

3d image of a bridge example

Cosmetically restoring a gap between teeth

If a tooth is missing or needs extracting, there are several ways to fill the gap left. In some cases, it is important to replace the missing teeth to balance the way the jaw bites. If several teeth are missing, the remaining teeth are under more pressure leading to potential broken fillings and jaw problems.

A partial denture is the simplest way to replace missing teeth. However, some people find dentures uncomfortable and will look for alternatives like bridges or implants.


Bridges are ideal for patients who do not like dentures and only have a few teeth missing. Bridges are usually made by putting a crown on the teeth on either side of the gap and attaching a false crown in the middle. The bridge is cemented permanently and cannot be removed. If cases are suitable, adhesive bridges are another way of bridging the space . These are made of a false crown with a metal wing which is cemented on one of the teeth next to the gap.

Implants are an alternative to dentures and bridges. They are a permanent option utilising titanium implants which are surgically placed in the jaw bone and act as anchors for fastening crowns and bridges.

I’ve been a patient of Gresham dental practice for 3 years now. I was referred via a relative. The service and care by Albert and his team has been exceptional, best I have experienced. I would certainly recommend this practice, the attention to detail Albert provides is superb and very thorough. Albert is always very reassuring and will talk you through the dental treatment process to put you at ease. The practice and all the staff are very welcoming and friendly, it is a great family run practice.
Sean Quinn