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Crowns & Bridgework

The crown of a tooth is the part which is visible in the mouth.

An artificial crown will cover the entire visible aspect of the tooth on which they are placed, and so become the tooth’s new outer surface. A bridge offers a means to replace and close the the gap between teeth.


Crowns (or caps) are designed to strengthen a tooth that has been damaged or deteriorated due to tooth decay. The tooth will initially be prepared by shaving it down and removing any decay.

An impression of the prepared tooth is then made using an elastic impression material. A temporary acrylic crown is then fitted over the prepared tooth, while the replacement crown is being made in the laboratory.

The impression of the tooth is sent off to a dental technician for the replacement crown to be made.

Once received, the new crown is cemented or bonded onto the prepared tooth.

Crowns are created from different materials to achieve different results. They can be made from the following :

  • Porcelain
  • Zirconia
  • Metal alloy
  • Gold

The type of crown your dentist recommends will depend on the condition of the tooth involved and your personal preference.

3d image of a bridge example


When a tooth is missing due to an extraction, the surrounding teeth can drift into the gap within a very short period of time. A bridge offers a means to replace and close the the gap between teeth. A false crown called the pontic is attached to one or two crowns called the bridge abutment. Bridges are cemented to the natural teeth around a gap. These neighbouring teeth serve as anchors for the bridge.

At Gresham Dental Practice we offer different bridge materials based on your individual needs.

Porcelain or ceramic bridges can be matched to the colour of your natural teeth. In areas of your mouth that are under less stress, such as your front teeth, a cantilever bridge may be used. Cantilever bridges are bridges which are attached to only one tooth adjacent to the gap.

I’ve been a patient of Gresham dental practice for 3 years now. I was referred via a relative. The service and care by Albert and his team has been exceptional, best I have experienced. I would certainly recommend this practice, the attention to detail Albert provides is superb and very thorough. Albert is always very reassuring and will talk you through the dental treatment process to put you at ease. The practice and all the staff are very welcoming and friendly, it is a great family run practice.
Sean Quinn